
Missy McCoskey
Middle School Mathematics Teacher
Laddonia, MO
ELM’s learning map helps me decide where to start with teaching a new concept by giving me a clear picture of where students are, where we need to go, and how to get there.

Jenni Blattner
Elementary Mathematics Teacher
Appleton, Wisconsin
Whether I’m teaching to my whole class, a small group, or one-on-one, ELM’s learning map model puts all the learning progressions into one place.

Elizabeth Oestreich
Middle School Mathematics Teacher
Wausau, WI
ELM helps me develop productive interventions by pinpointing prerequisite connections to topics students are struggling with.

Missy Henneman
Middle School Mathematics Teacher
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
The maps will lend themselves to incorporating rich word problems and visual representations necessary for learning.

Shana Poetker
Middle School Mathematics Teacher
Lawrence, KS
From my work with the learning map model, I have really started to think about the prerequisite skills students need to master the concepts I want to teach. I think a huge takeaway from my experience with the maps will be thinking about learning gaps as missing map nodes. Now, I feel I have better tools to help identify learning gaps with the goal of filling in those gaps.
Debbie Thompson
Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction Designer
Wichita, KS
I thought the Enhanced Learning Maps lessons were thoughtful and purposeful and directed toward the intent of the standards. I think all teachers will find this information useful for teaching toward the standards.

Natasha Cox
High School Mathematics Teacher
Shawnee, KS
The learning map model illustrates how there are multiple right ways of teaching a concept, and there are multiple pathways to the same knowledge. It could really help an instructor differentiate their teaching.